Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

Happy Easter 2021!


On the occasion of the Easter holidays, Tuida Fortress will work on all weekends: April 30; May 01, 02, 03, 04 and 06, according to the price list, observing all anti-epidemic measures.
From 01 May to 31 October the site switches to summer working hours as follows:
Monday - Sunday: 09:00 - 20:00
Happy holidays!

We are expecting you!

"The Conquest of Tuida - To Knowledge" is back!


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For all those wishing to take part in the first of its kind for Tuida Fortress role-playing game can do so in May!

"Towards Knowledge" - ep. 1 of "The Conquest of Tuida" will be held on May 22, 2021 with starting hours from 14:00 and 16:00.

"Towards Knowledge" is the first part of the Conquest of Tweed role-playing trilogy.
The trilogy will acquaint you with the trials that a brave warrior goes through to become a Bulgarian ruler. You will be able to experience everything with him, even if you help him in his endeavor.

Both teams and individual players can sign up.
If you want to participate, sign up by writing to us at e-mail or leave us a message on Facebook - LogiScape

You need to indicate that you want to participate in the Role Play "Towards Knowledge".
The game is not suitable for persons under 12 years.
Minor participants can play only if they are accompanied by an adult.
BGN 15 per person.


03.03 - The Independence Day of Bulgaria!

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In occasion of  The Independence Day of Bulgaria, Tuida fortress will be working with free entrance!

We are expecting you on 3-rd of march!

Working schedule: 09:00 - 18:00


Fourth annual awards from Bulgarian Ministry of Tourism

Sliven's Bouquet of Golden Roses increased by another one!Among the best in Tourism were awarded the Municipality of Sliven and the Late Antique and Medieval Fortress "Tuida".
On December 16, 2019 a ceremony was held to award the prizes awarded in the Fourth Annual Awards of the Ministry of Tourism. The event was held under the patronage of Mrs. Tsveta Karayancheva, Chairman of the 44th National Assembly. Ministers, ambassadors, eminent politicians and public figures, MPs, mayors, representatives of the tourism business, employers' organizations and the media attended the ceremony
Sliven Municipality competes in one of the most attractive categories "Municipality of 2019 for cultural and historical tourism". The Golden Rose Award, Mayor of Sliven Municipality - Mr. Stefan Radev received from one of the most beloved sportsmen of Bulgaria - Kubrat Pulev.
Fortress Tuida competed in the Specialized Tourism category and won second place in a contested battle. This is the third award of the Fortress in the competition of the Ministry of Tourism.

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Sliven and Tuida Fortress are again in the race for excellence in tourism

For the fourth year in a row, the Ministry of Tourism nominated applicants for the Annual Achievements in Tourism. Again this year the competition is held in 16 categories, of which 6 are professional, 5 are artistic and 4 are specifically intended for Bulgarian municipalities. The Grand Prize in the category "Choice of Bulgarians" will traditionally be determined among all tourist sites included in the "100 national" and "50 little known places". On November 7, the electronic voting for the fourth Annual Tourism Awards 2019 has started. The online vote will determine the winners of the 16 categories in the competition.
Fortress Tuida annually participates in the competition of the best in tourism, each year the nomination of the Sliven site is nominated in a different category. We remind you that in 2016 Touida took the first place in the most desirable category "Object of the year" in a contested battle, and in 2018. is ranked third in the "Spirit of Bulgaria" category. In 2019 Late Antiquity and Medieval Fortress Tuida will measure forces in the Specialized Tourism category. The award is intended for any organization that participates in offering and conducting a specialized type of tourism such as tour operators, tour agents, guides, transportation companies, tourist attractions (landmarks), tourist complexes, parks, accommodation and more. This category includes organizations specializing in cultural and historical tourism; balneo, spa and wellness; eco and rural; wine and gourmet; congress and event; golf, adventure and more. You can support Touida Fortress by voting on the Ministry of Tourism's.


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