Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

XVIII Tourist Exhibition "Weekend Tourism" and XV Festival of Tourist Entertainment and Animation

1. Medium

Municipality of Sliven with its own stand at the 18th tourist exhibition "Weekend tourism" and participation of Tuida Fortress in the 15th Festival of tourist entertainment and animations in Ruse city.

In the period 11-13 May 2023 in Ruse city, the 18th tourist exhibition "Weekend tourism" and the 15th Festival of tourist entertainment and animations will be held. These are the most significant events in the field of tourism for the Danube region, contributing to the development of specialized forms of tourism and helping to overcome the seasonality of the tourist offer in the country.

The participation in the tourist exhibition and the festival give an opportunity to present the conditions and tourist resources in the Municipality of Sliven to the people of Ruse, tour operators and guests of the city.

The 18th Tourist Exhibition "Weekend Tourism" and the 15th Festival of Tourist Entertainment and Animations are organized by the Municipality of Ruse with the support of the Ministry of Tourism

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