Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

The taste and spirit of Sliven

On the days of the Vacation & SPA Expo 2024, the Municipality of Sliven presented "The Taste and Spirit of Sliven".
During the 40th anniversary edition of the forum, the team of specialists, representatives of the cultural institutes in the city of Sliven, presented the possibilities for different types of tourism in the region in front of hundreds of visitors and guests. Interest in the Sliven stand is also growing this year. What Sliven bet on in this edition is traditional foods and wines. The stand of the Municipality of Sliven was visited by all the Officials and guests of the Vacation & SPA Expo 2024. The Minister of Tourism Zaritsa Dinkova congratulated Eng. Stoyan Markov Zam. Mayor of the Municipality of Sliven for the good performance of our city. In order to get more information about Sliven, mayors and heads of tourism boards of municipalities from Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria asked their questions. Many representatives from academia also showed interest in the city's stand under the Blue Stones.
During the International Tourist Exhibition, the culinary show "On the Table" was held. The beginning was given by Uti Bachvarov and Martin Truhchev. The show aims to present the traditional cuisine of the regions that were presented at the exhibition. Bulgarian and foreign municipalities took part. Chefs Stambolov, Miller and Yankov evaluated the dishes and asked questions.
The municipality of Sliven took part in the culinary competition with several typical products from the Sliven region. These are: Slivenski milinki, Banitsa with glue, Banitsa "Maladoi", pumpkin rachel, samardala, peach marmalade and tarhana. Some of the products were prepared by teachers and students from the Polytechnic "Acad. Nedelcho Nedelchev" - Sliven. During the presentation of Sliven, the collections from the series "Delicious Journeys around the Sliven Region" with author Dora Kurshumova were presented. The host of the Sliven sofra was engineer Stoyan Markov - deputy. mayor of the Municipality of Sliven, and the feast was presented by Maya Ivanova - head of Tuida Fortress. The chefs highly rated the "taste" of Sliven and showed interest in the traditions of the Sliven region. They noted that the presentation of Sliven and the opportunities for gastronomic and cultural tourism are at the world level, but more support and advertising of the destination is needed. On the last day of the exhibition, at a special ceremony, the Municipality of Sliven received a Certificate for guardian of the authentic culinary tradition.

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