Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

European Heritage Days 2019

On the occasion of European Heritage Days, Fortress Tuida will be free to enter from 09/20/2019 to 09/23/2019.
We are expecting you!


Archaeological excavations - Tuida 2019

On September 9, the archaeological excavations for 2019 at the Touida Fortress began. The studies are conducted under the direction of the director of the Regional History Museum "Dr. Simeon Tabakov" Sliven - Nikolay Sirakov.
The goals of archaeologists are to conduct surveys annually until the site is fully discovered, since at this stage the fortress is discovered, explored and preserved in a very small proportion.
This annual excavation is financed entirely by the budget of RIM Sliven and aims to clarify the construction history of public buildings during the early Byzantine era.

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21-23.06.2019 - Opening of the Historical Park near by the village of Neofit Rilski

On June 22, 2019 the first part of the largest historical park in the world opened in Varna. Visitors had the opportunity to touch the oldest civilization in the world, visit the Thracian palace, view the Orphic mystics in three temple-tombs, an early medieval settlement and Bulgarian aul.
Historic Park offers Bulgarian and foreign visitors an interactive journey up to 10,000 years back in time during the five eras of human civilization, which left traces on our lands. From the Chalcolithic and Neolithic times, through the glorious history of the Thracians and Rome, to the heyday of the First and Second Bulgarian Kingdoms.
In addition to replicas of the Panagyurishte Gold Treasure and the Borovsky Silver Treasure, many paintings were exhibited as well as Bulgarian literature and many souvenirs.
At their camp, the team at Fort Touida presented the lifestyle and traditions of the Bulgarians from the early Middle Ages, medieval games and demonstration of archery.
Organizer of the event:TREASURE BULGARIA


21-22.06.2019 - Fourth National Medieval Fair "Magical Madara" - 2019, NIAR Madara

On the territory of the Madara Research Institute was held the gathering of the undivided Bulgarian spirit, the Magical Day, under the sacred rocks, to the heart of the Madara Horseman - the Magical Madara!
In addition to presenting the medieval lifestyle, lifestyle, traditions, clothing, cuisine, crafts, military equipment and weapons typical of the Middle Ages in our lands, visitors had the opportunity to observe and participate in sacred for the daytime customs and rituals for the summer solstice with a mystical drum rhythm and horse thud.
The organizers of the event are: Regional Museum of History - Shumen and the site of its structure National Historical and Archeological Reserve "Madara", Association for Restoration and Preservation of Bulgarian Traditions "Avitohol" - Varna.

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June 15-16, 2019 - Plovdiv - ancient and eternal: history, ethnology, culture and art

The Plovdiv Festival - Ancient and Eternal, was held for the first time this year as one of the scenes of the European Capital of Culture 2019.
In the days 15-16.06.2019, in the Lauta Park, they met, reconstructors presenting the different epochs of Plovdiv's history by setting up camps for the unique Plovdiv festival - ancient and eternal: history, ethnology, culture and art. The participants from the country and abroad were divided into camps according to the period, which presented and informed the audience about the peculiarities and interesting facts of the period. As a bonus for the audience and especially for the youngest visitors, the organizers had prepared a game in which everyone had to collect stamps from the camps. At the end of the festival day a prize raffle was organized.
The team of Fortress Tuida presented Sliven and its activities as part of the camp of the First Bulgarian Kingdom. The participants played medieval games, learned about the weapons of the ancient Bulgarians, and watched a demonstration of craft crafting.
The organizers of the festival are "Together for personal development" - Plovdiv, "Association for restoration and preservation of Bulgarian traditions - Avitohol" - Varna, "Duks Antika" - Svishtov.
The project is part of the Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019 program and is funded by the Plovdiv Municipal Foundation 2019.


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