Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

International Youth Day

On 08.08.2018. For the third time, the Team of Tuida Fortress took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the International Youth Day, featuring archery and medieval games suitable for both young and old. In sessions everyone could test their wits and accuracy.
"The future of Sliven is in our hands" - under this motto with different manifestations passed the celebration of the International Youth Day in the city under the Blue Stones.
The event was organized Youth Center and Youth Municipal Council - Sliven.
The International Youth Day was first celebrated in Bulgaria in 2007. This day is an opportunity to unleash the potential of young people, to celebrate their achievements and to plan ways for their better inclusion in the development of society.
This annual celebration was dedicated to the Year of Cultural Heritage "Sliven Future, Present, Past

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From May 1st to September 30th, Tuida Fortress switches to Summer working time as follows:
Monday-Sunday - from 09:00am to 20:00pm.


"Historical Park" (H.P) is designed as a complete cultural and historical complex offering themed attractions, combined with dining, recreation and other entertainment events. It will be built on a plot of land of 130 decares near Varna, in the land of the village of Neofit Rilski.

In the complex is planned the construction of several settlements, which will reveal the peculiarities of different periods. The first of these will be related to the first civilization and the Varna's gold, which is the oldest in the world. The artefacts found in the Varna's Chalcolithic necropolis show how from the generic system to the government.The second settlement in Historical Park will reveal the features of the Thracian culture, will remind the time of Orpheus and Spartacus. A magnificent Thracian palace, a temple and two tombs will be built, one of them with a glass floor, so that the buried, together with the ruler, can be seen with horses with a chariot. The restoration of the rituals will be as realistic as possible. The third settlement will be from the Roman age and will present a Roman villa, antique theater and others. Visitors will also have the opportunity to taste traditional specialties of that time, including honey wine. The fourth settlement will reveal the culture of Slavs and Bulgarians. The fifth settlement will be dedicated to the First Bulgarian Kingdom and will be inspired by Preslav's culture. The palace with the throne room will be presented. A special place will be dedicated to the creation of the Bulgarian alphabet. Visitors will have the opportunity to write Glagolitic and Cyrillic sheepskin scrolls and take it as a souvenir to their home. The sixth settlement will be built in the same way as Tsarevets and will show the culture of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. There will be presented palaces, fortress walls, various battle towers, administrative buildings.
The project will be implemented in phases the planned opening of the first stage in 2018. And the last 2022.
Currently in progress are many activities for the opening of the first stage. With dynamic pace progressing construction of the pitch are conducted advertising campaigns and search of tourist flows.
In search of the best and rational solutions, the executive team introduces different options, attractive to every search and every market. One such option is offered to the Bulgarian tourist. In pre-sale, limited "Golden Cards" are released, which will provide many opportunities for users. First, this card gives Bulgarians the opportunity to visit an attraction at a preferential price for 10 years. In addition to the preferential entry fee, the card holder receives a discount on the purchase of souvenirs, the use of attractions in the subjects, etc.
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In this year's awards Sliven will fight in two categories "Tourist event" and "Choosing of the Bulgarians”. In the category "Tourist Event for 2017" came the traditional Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory", held in Tuida fortress. In 2016 the fortress won and brought to Sliven one of the first sixteen "Golden Roses", after a contested battle was declared for the Best Tourist Object. This year "Tuida" and Sliven will rely on the support of all Sliven’s people and the friends on the town for the ride. In 2017, the Ministry of Tourism reported increased interest on the part of the candidates. In the category in which it competes Medieval Fair "Remember the glory" there are more 34 nominated events.
Except in the category "Tourist Event", Sliven is also competing in the category "The Choice of the Bulgarians". In this category, all sites in the "100 National Sites" campaign have been nominated.
How can we support Sliven?
Nominations are sorted alphabetically in each category.
To support the Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory", Sliven:
1. Visit the address of the Tourism Ministry's Annual Awards.
2. In the section "Professional category", openning category " Tourist event "
3. Select "Medieval Fair remember the Glory, Sliven", which is the 26th in a row
4. 4. After selecting the nomination, press the "VOTE" blue button, which follows all the nominations listed.
5. After a successful vote, the page of the results category will open at this time.
To support the sites of Sliven District in the category "The Choice of the Bulgarians":
1. Visit the address of the Tourism Ministry's Annual Awards.
2. Open category  "The Choice of Bulgarians"
3. On page 13, are presented six sites of Region Sliven
- Hadzhi Dimitar House Museum
National Museum of Textile Industry
- Art Gallery "Dimitar Dobrovich"
- Pantheon of Georgi Stoykov Rakovski and Museum of the Kotel Revival, Kotel
- Natural History Museum, Kotel
- Yordan Yovkov House Museum, Zheravna village
4. After selecting the nomination, press the "VOTE" blue button, which is on the end of the nomination page.
The second edition of the prizes is organized in 16 categories, which will present the achievements achieved during the past year. They are: "Tourist Attraction / Object"; "Tourist event"; "The Spirit of Bulgaria", "Specialized Tourism"; "Tourist Destination"; "Innovation"; "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria for 2017 in print media"; "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria for 2017 in online media"; "Journalistic material about tourism in Bulgaria for 2017 on an internet blog"; "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria for 2017 in radio"; "Journalistic material on tourism in Bulgaria for 2017 in television"; "Municipality of 2017 for Mountain Tourism"; "Municipality of 2017 for Sea Tourism";
"Municipality of 2017 for Wellness and SPA tourism"; "Municipality of 2017 for Cultural and Historical Tourism" and "The Choice of the Bulgarians".
The deadline for voting is 10 December. The awards will be presented to the winners at a ceremony on 12 December 2017 in Sofia.

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Delegates by Program Erasmus + visited Tuida

Tuida Fortress opened for a group of delegates, representatives of Estonia, Spain and Romania. The group is composed of participants in a European project under the program ERASMUS +.
The visit of "Tuida" was part of the program, drawn up on the occasion of the residence of the participants in the town of Sliven. The participants took note of the history of the fortress, touched the Proto-Bulgarian archery and became part of one of the Bulgarian customs, namely the custom of Surva or Survakane.
Hosts and coordinators of the project are Hristo Botev Primary School - Sliven, Bulgaria.

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