The team of Fortress Tuida has been invited and will take part in the third edition of the annual Festival of Medieval traditions, customs and culture " the Calais-Mezdra," which will be held on 20 and 21 May in the archaeological complex "the Calais- Mezdra.
Our team for the first time will visit of archaeological complex "the Calais". We are extremely grateful for the invitation and for the opportunity to exchange experiences, and making connections between our cultural - historical sites.
The festival is a joint organization of Mezdra Municipality, archeological complex "the Calais” and the Association for restoration and preservation of Bulgarian traditions - "Avitohol.". It will take participants clubs for reenactments and free reconstructor across the country.
Municipality of Sliven participates with individual booth at the 14th International tourist exhibition "Cultural Tourism", which was held from 6 to 8 April in Veliko Tarnovo.
During the event, visitors were acquainted with opportunities for cultural tourism in the region.
Participation has enabled us to promote the already launched campaign "Become a friend of Sliven" and all involved in its cultural and historical attractions, as well as upcoming activities and initiatives, the implementation of the Program of Tourism Development for 2017.
During the forum were announced winners of the national competition Read & travel, and awards were presented at the closing night of April 7, Friday.
14th International tourist exhibition "Cultural Tourism" is organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Association of Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agencies and Municipal travel agency "Tsarevgrad Tarnovo." Host of the forum is the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo.
Tuida fortress opened doors for a group of delegates, representing from Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria. The group is composed of children and teachers involved in the European project Erasmus + "No to discrimination and social exclusion on 2016-2018". The visit of "Tuida" is part of a program prepared on the occasion the stay of the participants in city Sliven.
The overall objective of the project is to fight with unhealthy mentality, with disrespect and intolerance against certain groups of people by raising awareness of the dire consequences of this behavior, for the development of the human being and usage of the speech in the fight against hatred in school.
Each of the 5 countries project partners will be host of workshops and various activities aimed at:
• Promoting intercultural dialogue
• Reduction of violence, school dropout and inequality by promoting the values of tolerance, acceptance of otherness and intercultural respect
• Participation of students in multicultural teams
• Improving the quality of the relationship between students from different cultural backgrounds to develop their social and communication skills
• Encourage the learning of different languages and cultures of the European space.
All project activities - theoretical and practical will be included in a brochure that will represent valuable input and will be distributed among schools in the region and our countries.
Hosts and coordinators of the project are "Hristo Botev" school - Sliven, Bulgaria.
For the visit of the group in Fortress Tuida was developed and conducted a special program related to the project results. To participants were presented diversified lectures about the history of the fortress, traditions, customs, demonstrations of crafts and other elements from the Bulgarians life. Special interest was to medieval games that the team of fortress occupied the children during the time for recreation. It was made exposure of products associated with the spring holidays - mummer's masks, martenitsi and etc. After lunch provided were organized workshops for making martenitsa. All of the participants listened with interest the legends of red and white thread and worked martenitsi who will bring at home.
"We hope our guests today to keep a sunny memory of Tuida fortress and Sliven in their hearts!" , says Maya Ivanova - head of the fortress.
Team of Tuida Fortress joined in the festive program to celebrate 175 years since the foundation of the school "Dr Petar Beron" Zhelyu Voyvoda village. Today, 16.03.2017 we were greeted as dear guests. The children were waiting us with impatience, curiosity and smiles.
Primary School "Dr Petar Beron" was founded in 1848. Since March 1974 is housed in a modern three-storey building with a gymnasium, rooms for chemistry, physics and biology.
On occasion, our team familiarize students from first to seventh grade history of Fortress Tuida. Demonstrations of weapons, clothing and household items caused inquisitive questions, applause and smiles. Buzzard Draco also was a part of the presentation and vigilantly watched the festive program.
Tuida Fortress wishes of the teachers of the school "Dr Petar Beron" to continue to keep the flame of knowledge and of children - excellent evaluations and happy childhood!
The area of the Visitor Center of Fortress Tuida today 03/02/2017, it became one of the pieces of land included in the initiative to plant 1.1 million trees in Bulgaria! Students from School "Payot Hitov" Sliven. Planted 21 trees on the type of black pine (Pinus nigra) on site. Trees were won by children after their involvement in game-initiative "When we become 100 000 shall plant a forest."
The idea emerged at the end of 2011. In the form of a pure initiative from people to people, which aims to plant new forests and trees for Bulgaria!
Originally developed fully in the social networking site Facebook in the minds of the creator of the initiative, if you accumulate enough people behind a good idea to find companies who would like to define themselves as socially responsible and would have shifted part of their advertising budgets towards planting trees.
The objective is to leave a better planet for our children and better children for our planet, having been planted over 170,000 trees.
Students from 6th and 7th grade of "Panayot Hitov" are included in project groups "Your hour - Biodiversity" - headed by Ms. Valentina Ganeva (Natural Sciences) and a group of "Spelling Bee" led by Ms. Denitsa Stoeva (English).
For planting trees much helped the guidance of experts from the Natural Park "Blue Stones": Eng. Damian Dohchev - Ch. expert "management of forest ecosystems' and Hussein Huseynov - specialist" Forest Inspector. "
During the planting was planted and the Christmas tree that team Tuida Fortress bought in a charity campaign "Buy a living Christmas tree, help a child."
With that we all wanted Sliven be a greener and better place to live!