Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”


European Information Center "Europe Direct - Sliven" together with Sliven Municipality, Sliven Public Donors Fund and "Tabora Equestrian Club" Association, оrganized in Sliven for the second consecutive year the Eurobazaar of local products under the motto "The Sliven product - with European quality". The occasion is the upcoming European Green Week 2017. The purpose of the event is to promote local producers, companies and organizations. During the bazaar there will be accompanying events: information stands, eco workshops, exhibitions, interactive games.
The Eurobazaar will take place from 29 May to 2 June 2017 (from 11 am to 7 pm) in Sliven on the main street around the fountains of Sliven Municipality.
The opening of the bazaar will be on May 29, 2017 (Monday) at 11:00.
The team of Tuida Fortress will join the initiative for the second consecutive year.

The first carnival "Machine of Time"

Today the team of Tuida fortress took participation in the Carnival "Machine of Time" , which was held for the first time in Sliven.
Antoni Andonov and Ivan Bugov from an association "Haidouti" won the grand prize for the authentic costumes of the "Time Machine" carnival, which took place for the first time in Sliven.
They were dressed in haidoux authentic costumes and armed with real rifles and knives 150 years ago.Incentive award in the same category received Martina Georgieva. In the category for most original costumes winners are Rostislav Russev, Yasen Stoyanov and Maria-Magdalena Velcheva. The smallest participant was also excellent - Dalia Georgieva, who is 4 years old.
The event included participants with garments illustrating various historical periods - Bulgarian folk costumes, Thracian and Byzantine clothes, 20th-century clothes, volunteer uniforms and others.
The carnival starts from the Old Elm. The participants deflected the main street and the awarding of the prizes took place in the square in front of the NTS
The Carnival is part of the program of the May Day of Culture "Sliven Flames" of the Municipality of Sliven and took place on the occasion of the Night of Museums initiative.
The awards were presented by the deputy mayor Stoyan Markov and the chairman of the municipal council Dimitar Mitev.

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From May 1st to September 30th, Tuida fortress will work with extended summer working hours from 9am to 8pm,every day and without interruption at noon. In May, the fortress will be included in the program dedicated to the May Days of Culture "Sliven fires".
- 17 May workshop for the participants in the international children's folklore festival "Friendship without borders"
- May 18th Magic Evening with Kick Hands Project - An incredible spectacle of illusionists on the occasion of the International Museum Day. Free entry!
- May 20 entrance free until 24.00 o'clock Night of museums - participation in Carnival "Machine of Time" in the center of Sliven
We are expecting you!


On 27.04.2017 at Tuida fortress, a common birthday celebrated the April-born users of the Mentally Disadvantaged Elderly Home in Kachulka village, a memorable celebration filled with smiles and joy.

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Visited the Easter exhibition

The team of fortress Tuida visit the Easter exhibition - Bazaar of the users of social services in Sliven. It was organized today 12.04.2017g. front of the building of Sliven Municipality. All products that we bought from the bazaar will be this year's festive decorations in the fortress.

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