Late antiqe and medieval fortress “TUIDA”

One day in the medieval city

On 22 May 2019, an Activity under the National Program "Providing a Modern Educational Environment", a module "Museums as an Educational Environment", with the students from the VI a grade and the VI b class of the "Dobri Chintulov" Profiled Mathematics High School in the town of Sliven.

20190522 10231420190522 10303720190522 10312420190522 10314820190522 10315220190522 10320320190522 10324520190522 113515received 300573087495923received 347351012648361

Mountain Marathon - Sliven 2019

On 18-19.05.2019. besides the Night of Museums initiative, Tuida Fortress hosted another great event - "Mountain Marathon - Sliven", organized by the Blue Stones-Sliven Sporting Club. On May 19, Tuida was filled with strength, endurance and triumph. In connection with the marathon, the object is free with entrance.
The first three finalists in "Mountain Marathon-Sliven" at 32km.



The first two finishes at a distance of 52 km in the Mountain Marathon – Sliven


The first women finalists: 32km - Monika Filipova and 52km - Maria Nikolova in Mountain Marathon – Sliven

monika filipova 1.32km jenimaria nikolova 1.52km jeni



Unusual Night of Museums with "Typical" – HUNTING OF ART & FACTS

On May 18, 2019 was held Fifteenth European Night of Museums and Galleries. For the sixth time, Tuida Fortress joined this cultural event. The Joint Initiative of the Museums and the Municipality of Sliven "Night of the Museums" took place with the support of:
1.Turator VIP-Sliven Ltd.;;
2. Doris Transport and Tourism Company
3. GLOBUS EU Travel Agency -
4. Helikon Bookshop
5. Gift House "Fortuna"
6. "Fantasy" Sweets House
7. Museum vouchers
Thanks to the sponsors who supported the initiative and provided part of the prizes in the festive raffle.

60786124 2242863099139957 8871393995159240704 o60435855 362548411043887 8691503597818478592 n60834669 296740297926610 6312598981536907264 n60634577 2242865309139736 1866190898161778688 n60814040 1053014158243252 2445455486720409600 n60844747 432436144259946 5800041441312899072 n60346800 2243025425790391 5766173034318659584 n60615969 2243204809105786 8022480424770994176 n

Fifth Medieval fair "Remember the Glory"

During the last weekend, 20th and 21st October 2018, in the Tuida Fortress, was held the IV Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory - TUida, 2018"! The feast was organized on the occasion of Dimitrovden, Sliven Municipality and Tuida Fortress.
Official guests of the meeting were Ms. Desislava Taneva - Member of the Sliven constituency, Mr. Kamen Kostov - Deputy Regional Governor of Sliven, Mr. Dimitar Mitev - Chairman of the Municipal Council - Sliven, Eng. Stoyan Markov - Deputy - "Economic Development" of the Municipality of Sliven. The event opened with a welcome speech, Ms. Pepa Chilikova - Deputy Mayor "Humanitarian Activities" of the Municipality of Sliven.
During the two festival days, visitors had the opportunity to observe combat demonstrations on the back of the horse, demonstrations of various weapons from land, clashes of heavily armed warriors and medieval battles. In the participants' camps, demonstrations of ancient crafts could be seen - making weapons, protective armaments, household items, decorations and jewelry ; kitchen, antique rituals, slaves and interesting games.
So in these days, "Tuida" has become a machine of the time and together we have passed through the ages of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Krum Yapulov44519342 2127873803929320 2646774635542085632 o44548627 2127755600607807 1104042886992756736 o44520821 2127371623979538 954918869401600000 o44597584 2127756920607675 1720565900232359936 o44653843 2127373027312731 7247825967052226560 o44576991 2127489980634369 7461134340987027456 o44586854 2127874497262584 8555450913760739328 o44621138 2127487670634600 5593260026098614272 o44639266 2127373113979389 389472663807983616 odemonstracii1obshto uchastnici44540136 2127628313953869 4460830476180914176 o44554493 2127628687287165 5979687669762883584 o44650334 2127629710620396 5691296472855740416 o44502088 2127628297287204 5975274376117878784 oAntichnilekciq

* Photos: Maya Arsova and Archive Tuida Fortress

"The Night of Scientists" 2018

For the third consecutive year, Tuida Fortress joined the European Students' Night. At the invitation of the Center for Research and Analysis, our site joined us as an associated partner under REFRESH project 2018-2019.
REFRESH (Relate, Experience, Find Research Everywhere and SHARE) is a 20-month project funded by the European Commission on Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions of Horizon 2020.
In 2018. central focus was the European Year of Heritage and the European Capital of Sport, and in 2019, we will connect with the European Capital of Culture and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Astronomical Union.
On September 28, 2018, we celebrated the Researchers' Night with a variety of activities and a program together with the National Museum of Textile Industry.
From 15:00 to 20:00, Tuida Fortress was open for tourists, and all those wishing had the opportunity to convert into medieval garments.
At 18:00, in the building of the National Museum of Textile Industry, interesting presentations were presented about the innovation in textile technologies and their application in the production and everyday life of people from lecturers and students from the Technical University of Sofia, College - Sliven and representatives of Scientific and Technical Union of Textile, Clothing and Leather.
The night of the scientists continued with the program of Tuida Fortress, which presented a guest talk about Textile in the Middle Ages by guest lector Kalina Atanasova. She told us about the most widespread and most used fabrics on the lands of present-day Bulgaria, chronologically and at the same time showed her medieval clothes and costumes. Guests from the audience took part in the show of clothing and danced with them for everyone present.42656922 332655030817567 9049460856760303616 n42778485 258332758355670 396429780683063296 n42710915 304238437056060 2036031875188785152 n42748897 2156539347999713 8052484503660134400 n42806484 1889703057788496 5220863971870900224 o42806452 1889701447788657 2566290264129798144 o42861260 1889702317788570 2789586103475109888 o42958236 1889702511121884 9097742662898810880 o42874305 1889702054455263 7841010347048697856 o43025670 1889702584455210 6708660468774338560 o42823465 1889701571121978 6492917110375710720 o

Tourism Day at the Bozhur 2 Kindergarten in Sliven

On September 27, 2018, the team of Tuida Fortress visited Bozhur 2 Kindergarden in Sliven, where the initiative was at the invitation of Ms Desislava Ilieva, director of the kindergarten and dedicated to celebrating the World Tourism Day. 180 children in the age group of 3 to 6. Everyone was acquainted with elements of the Bulgarian lifestyle - games, clothing, armaments, answering interesting questions and taking part in various activities.
The World Tourism Day is celebrated every year on 27 September, with the aim of raising awareness of the contribution of tourism to sustainable development. Each year the Tourism Day celebrates a different motto. This year it is: "Tourism and Digital Transformations". Tourist site "Tuida fortress" is included for the fourth consecutive year in celebrating the festival with various events: museum animation, infotours for the employees in the industry, excerpted presentations and providing free entry for visitors.
From 2016, the Tuida Fortress team took the initiative "Remember the Glory in School!", Visits to schools and kindergartens on the territory of the Municipality of Sliven and the region in order to present the activities of the site and to learn about the opportunities for work with children in him. Thanks to this initiative, every Sliven child knows and wants to visit "Tuida".
From the renovation of the fortress to the present day, various events are organized behind its walls: concerts, festivals, reunions, exhibitions, literary readings, shows, workshops, seminars, teambuildings and other private events, tributes, celebrations and celebrations of remarkable dates and official holidays. All these events contribute to the increase of the visit rate and the interest in the site and the city under the "Blue Stones".42572166 2175257416127791 2995529905577394176 n42586337 243425389660799 6687186684561326080 n42592243 473276913185726 5221643285096824832 n42600439 2133206363667982 3564489665002078208 n42644410 536760580117244 3413898331963785216 n42661522 2032020353516014 4008631206584254464 n

Sports feast for small and large - Sportakus 2018

For the second consecutive year, the Tuida Fortress team joined the sporting celebration "Sportakus", which took place on 28.05.2018 in the Yunak Park, featuring games from the past that everyone could try out.
Apart from the games, the children could join in danced dancing, rope walking, artistic and musical skills, dexterity, and more.
The sporting holiday "Sportakus" passed with lots of fun, dancing and smiles.
The event was organized by the Center for the Development of Human Resources, various NGOs, sports, dance and music clubs from the city, with the support of the Youth House-Sliven.

33791074 1683153218406016 5053151176908865536 n33707810 1683153265072678 1514743027229261824 n33869295 1683817955006209 3860568398102528000 n33899682 1683153795072625 3379860428380176384 n33941883 1683153351739336 800626730548068352 n33780059 1683818008339537 5014388731990245376 n

33827369 1683153521739319 2893594229810921472 n33895710 1683153385072666 1502544826187382784 n

Rebel trails Marathon 2017

For a second consecutive year, Tuida Fortress met the "Rebel trails Marathon", which took place on 21.10.2017 year.
The winners of REBEL TRAILS MARATHON 2017 at 42.195km
1. Kiril Lyubenov Nikolov 3:57:15
2.Shaban Aliosman Mustafa 4:08:22
3. Ivaylo Nikolaev Atanasov 4:37:44

1. Tanya Dimitrova Dimitrova 5:42:25
2. Maya Tsvetkova Petrova 6:39:16
3. Galina Krasimirova Hristova 6:43:56

1. Petko Todorov Atanasov 6:14:33
2. Petar Georgiev Dimitrov 7:00:28
3. Lubomir Radoichov Palakarchev 7:51:51

1. Stefka Zhelyazkova Stoyanova 8:12:49
2. Daniela Dimitrova Hristova 8:25:29


1. Martin Georgiev Koinov 2:36
2. Nikolay Donchev Nikolov 2:59
3. Dimitar Aleksandrov Dimitrov 3:04

1. Nadezhda Sokolova Angelova 3:14
2. Yoanna Metodieva Madzharova 3:36
3. Valentina Metodieva Madzharova 3:59

1. Nikolay Dzhenkov Dzhenkov 3:08
2. Hristo Stoyanov Rainov 3:31
3. Emil Dinkov Georgiev 3:50

1. Mariana Lukova Ivanova 4:49
2. Asya Stankova Boncheva 5:55

“Rebel trails” is a unique marathon carried out at a historical place, part of Blue Rocks Nature Park, located in the eastern and most accessible part of the biggest Bulgarian mountain – Stara planina (Balkan Mountains). The trace passes a specific rocky massif with an alpine type relief defensed by 14 antique and medieval fortresses. Due to its key location this is the site where main road arteries have been passing the mountain since ancient times. On the other way, specificity of its relief: exposed rocky peaks and ridges, steep slopes and rocks, presence of lots of caves and waterfalls, makes the massif hardly accessible and preferred shelter for many rebels (haidouks) in the past. The marathon “Rebel trails” is unique having a trace entirely consisting of age-old paths once used by haidouks, which nowadays exist as touristic routes. The trace passes through or nearby all known but not well studied fortresses, having as a goal to popularize them. The marathon is organized in the last week of October, when winter is on the doorstep. This gives a unique opportunity for carrying it out in different weather conditions and with different difficulty level each year.
More than 200 participants of different ages participated in the marathon.
The beginning of the marathon started from "Old Elm", passed along the main street of the town of Sliven, after the bridge of "Rose garden" turned to the monument of Panayot Hitov and Ancient and Medieval fortress "Tuida".
At Tuida Fortress, participants in a 5km marathon were stamped and returned to Old Elm where they finished.
In addition to the individual participants in the marathon, employees from different companies in the city could be seen: Topmyx, Doris Travel Agency, Water Supply and Sewerage - Sliven and others. Along with the companies in different spheres, students took part in the marathon with their coach from "Sport Club of Acrobatics - Stefan Danchev" - Sliven.
The participants in the 21km and 42km trails after crossing the Tuida Fortress had to reach the Kolarska Polyana to descend along the Petkova trail to reach the Lower Lift Station parking lot and then to climb the hiking trail for the rock phenomenon "Ring". From there, the track continued along the famous Haiduk trail and the marathons had to reach Karandila Hotel, along the bridge of the barracks to cross the "Karandila Lake" and to descend to the Mollova Forest area. Then climb to the peak of "Peschenik", passing along the "Haiduk cave", then to descend to the "Karandila Oven" The final for the marathons at a distance of 21km was at "Karandila Oven".
After passing the "Karandila Oven" the participants along the 42km trail continued along the Karandila hut, the Gulаbarnika, the Upper lift station to the peak of the Little Chatalka, from there to the peak "Golyama Chatalka", "The White Kainatsi", "Mala planina" , "Mochurite" peak, "Bulgarka" peak, Kutelka, then descend to the fortress "Marineno gradishte", "Gagovets", "Alley of health" again to the town, passing the monument of Panayot Hitov, , the main street of Sliven and the finishing of "Old Elm".
The total altitude, which had to overcome the marathons, was 2500m.
The organizer of the event is the Old Elm Foundation

Тhird medieval festival „Remember the glory” – Tuida 2017

On October 14 to 15 / weekends / 2017. In the territory of Fortress Tuida held Third medieval festival "Remember the glory" in honor of Dimitrovden's feast. Thousands visited the event during the two festive days. The organizers of the event were the Municipality of Sliven, the team of Tuida fortress the Medieval Martial Arts Club - "Ratina" - Sliven.
With the demonstrations of the medieval military arts, in the fortress of Tuida once again the old Bulgarian military tradition - the fall of the troops, which the Bulgarians carried on the day of the dragon fighting and great martyr Dimitar Mirotochivi (from Thessaloniki) - who, as you know, is also a patron of our city. This is a tradition, the traces of which are lost far back in the Bulgarian Middle Ages and which is documented in the historical sources from the time of the Ottoman domination on our lands.
This tradition remains unchanged until the abolition of the soldier or warwoman institution at the beginning of the 19th century, and the echoes of it are so. "soldier dispatches" from the recent past, which many of us still remember.
Some of the demonstrations that took place in the Third medieval festival "Remember the glory - Tuida 2017" were:
Combat skills from land. "As well as the self-sufficient skills needed in the Fighting Battle, these disciplines have also served as a preparation for work with weapons from the horse's back. As we know, the action with a weapon on the back of the horse was a wreath in the preparation of the Bulgarian medieval warrior, but to get there, he needed hard training from the ground.
The most significant medieval military art of the horse nations of the Eurasian continent and in particular the Bulgarians, of course, was the archery. According to the traditions of these peoples, all the wars were trained and should have been able from the earliest age to shoot fast and skillfully from both the ground and the horse in all directions and all the alluviums. This required the warrior to quickly pull out and put the arrow, stretch the bow of the bow, measure calmly, and place the arrow accurately and timely on the target. In tactical terms, archers were required to force a quick and massive shot of the enemy, or to lead a strong and accurate shooting on pre-set targets.
The main weapons used in the encounter between the wars of this era were the spear, the sword, as well as the battle axes and maces. The warriors were trained both in the throwing of spears and in one-handed combat against each other with a shield and a weapon in hand, by horse or by land. They should be able to ride skillfully and run hard, throw the spear with a wide swing and punch it deep into the target. In the breasts of chest, they hid their left shoulder with the shield and stood firm or maneuvering skillfully fought with a spear, sword or axe. Besides, the warriors were skillful to change weapons into battle by serving one or the other, depending on the case they were given.
Combat skills from horse. - During most of the Middle Ages, especially during the VIII-X century, the time of the First Bulgarian Kingdom, the decisive factor for the victories of the Bulgarians was the use in the battle of a numerous, mobile and well-armed cavalry. Whether cunning tactics were used or an open fight, it was the cavalry that assumed the ultimate weight of the battle, the decisive blow, and pursued the enemy until its complete destruction. The cavalry, therefore, remained the main, if not the only, strictly distinct kind of army, almost to the end of the First Kingdom.

22459249 1510843045675303 7789449323824289215 o22459258 1510842562342018 2011875631682904882 o22459426 1510842952341979 9032091964808173352 o22459426 1510842952341979 9032091964808173352 o22467565 1510843005675307 2082631927374633716 o22467638 1510842525675355 8268325533063372101 o22467677 1510977068995234 2764999948991356873 o22467577 1510977105661897 124962857935625891 o

The training and upbringing of the horse warrior has always been and continues to be a lengthy and difficult process requiring intense, purposeful and long-term training. The first and most important condition for the growth of such a warrior is the good riding training, which in the past started from the earliest childhood.
That however, was not enough. Riding training from an early age was accompanied by work with weapons and, above all, archery training.
The bow and other weapons were first mastered by the land, and once the warriors gained confidence in horse riding and driving, they could transfer what they had learned to the back of the fighting horses. Initially the horsemen ride with their guns without acting with them so they can get used to both the horses and the horses.
After gaining confidence, they started to work with the weapon itself, riding the various allure, aiming to prepare the cavalry to perfection in dexterity and skillful weaponry, even in the fastest horse-stroke. With this, the single training of the wars, which in fact continued for years, was at the end, and the assemblies of the various troops and divisions and their training for use on the battlefield were completed.
During the event a demonstration was held with the Draco Hunting Bird, grown in Tuida Fortress - the falconry or the art of training and hunting with birds of prey has accompanied the life of man and, in particular, of the Bulgarian of the most ancient times. However, few are aware that this is also one of the most noble military arts in the Middle Ages, the representatives of which form even a separate military army, known as the craftsmen or falcons, and during the Ottoman times and as doggies. Our medieval city, which is home to the remains of a hawk-eagle and a great snail-cocoon, is one of the places where this art evolved from ancient times to the last centuries of the Ottoman domination, or more precisely until the 30s of 19th Century, when soldiers recruited classes of Bulgarians are completely disenfranchised.
A total of 150 reconstructors from across the country contributed to the full reproduction of the life of Bulgarians in the Middle Ages. For their excellent work and diligence, they speak of their long experience in experimental archeology and the study of medieval traditions. Memorable participation in the third edition of the form took place:

22339588 1510843405675267 9204237501689120190 o22459214 1510844775675130 9018534540285010319 o

Medieval martial arts club -" Rathina "- Sliven. The club was founded on 22.11.2015, on the day when the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the death of the Bulgarian saint Michail Warrion. The club is named after a legendary and long-lost ancient book, mentioned in the collection of ritual folk songs - "Veda Slovena", which contained the songs that the Bulgarians sang when fighting in battle with their enemies ". The main goal of the Club Ratina is the study of the Bulgarian military work in the Middle Ages and its preservation in the form of traditional military art. The activity of Ratina Club is aimed at recreating the medieval fighting culture of the Bulgarians and it’s values by exercising the body in certain forms of the armed struggle - archery, savage combat, copying and percussion weapons, etc. The club's activities include: reconstruction of the medieval Bulgarian arms and clothing, as well as the presentation of the various social and cultural aspects of the military life and life of the population in the early medieval fortress of Tuida-Sliven. The Association has participated in numerous historical reunions and congregations held by other organizations, such as: "Ancestor Days" and "The Roots of Bulgarian" at the National Academy of Arts "Pliska"; "The Everyday Life of the Middle Ages Tarnovgrad"; Festival of Medieval Traditions, Beat and Culture "Kaleto - Mezdra"; National Medieval Council "Magic Madara"; The Battle of Markelli - Karnobat; Medieval Fair "Goodness and Glory" - Shumen; The Battle of Aheloy and others. In June 2017, at the invitation of the Ascension Foundation, the club also visited the town of Châle di Bulgeria in southern Italy, where it participated in the celebrations for one year from the opening of the monument of the Bulgarian ruler, Alcek - who led and settled his people The Apennine peninsula, in the second half of the VII century.

22467528 1510844495675158 1624965019997187042 o22496147 1510845395675068 4801432505481789054 o

Traditional Bulgarian archery group "Siva" – Maglizh. The group was established in 2015 with head Nina Yankova. The name of the group is borrowed from the historical chronicle Jaghfar-Tarihi, according to which SIVA is the other name of Alp Bars, a god of justice and a judge among the Alps. The group specializes in traditional archery from land and horse, as well as working with other medieval weapons. The mission of "SIVA" is to preserve and recreate the image and spirit of the Bulgarian woman-warrior. Besides participating in many medieval gatherings, the wars of "SIVA" represent Bulgaria and a number of international competitions for traditional archery of land and horse. The last event of the group is from the international traditional archery competition from Beijing - China 2016, and their manager Nina Yankova is a horse rider champion - Bigа 2012 in Turkey and a multiple participant in the Eurasian traditional archery competition - Adana, Turkey 2016.

22339588 1510843405675267 9204237501689120190 o22538655 1510842282342046 6214371135618557464 o22548617 1510845035675104 164424436467901929 o22550394 1510845245675083 6062519305355226676 o

Association for restoration and preservation of the Bulgarian traditions "Avitohol" - Varna.
The association was established in 2012 in Varna. Its main objectives are: - Searching, researching, restoring and preserving Bulgarian traditions and historical heritage; the military, the life and culture of the Bulgarians. From 2012 till now, the Association organizes and conducts the historical events "Days of the Ancestors" and "The Roots of Bulgaria" at the National Academy of Arts "Pliska". It also participates annually in many other historical reunions and reunions held in the country such as: "Remember the glory!" - fortress Tuida - Sliven; "The Everyday Life of the Middle Ages Tarnovgrad"; International Festival for Ancient Cultures "The Sun of Todorka" - village of Ohoden, Municipality of Vratsa; Festival of Medieval Traditions, Beat and Culture "Kaleto - Mezdra"; National Medieval Council "Magic Madara"; Historic Abritus Festival; The Battle of Markelli - Karnobat; Medieval Fair "Goodness and Glory" - Shumen; Historical Festival in Amese Park - Budapest, Hungary and others. More recently in August 2013, under the aegis of the association, was also the first major rebuilding of the Battle of Aheloy.

School horse riding ,, Madara Horseman "- Sofia presents breakneck gallop and marksmanship from horseback, School of Traditional Archery" Living arrow - archery from horseback - Bulgaria "with a demonstration of rapid gunfire and rain of arrows , training of young wars and battles between horseman and footman. The two schools are presented at the Third Medieval Assembly "Remember the Glory - Twida 2017" by Dimitar Troukanov and Dimitar Troukanov Junior - father and son.
Group for the Historical Reconstruction of the Medieval Military and Behavior Vereni - Sofia
The group was set up in 2016 year after participating in the Second Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory" at the Tuida Fortress. The year 2017 is particularly dynamic for Vereni and is filled with many events in the country - festivals in Pliska, Asenovgrad, Peshtera, Lovech, Veliko Tarnovo, Aheloy, Sofia and abroad - Battle of the 1000 Swords (Russia) and the festivals in Volyn (Poland) Manassia (Serbia) and Drobeta Severin (Romania). At present, the focus of the group's activities is the military and nobility of the northern peoples in the 9-11 century, as well as our local traditions and history. Their ambition is also to master and reconstruct crafts from the period by making the most of their equipment based on a study of historical sources and archaeological finds.
Association for Historical Reconstructions "Chigot" - Varna. - The association is a group of historical restorations, whose name derives from the Old Bulgarian word for "swordsmith" - or an elite warrior bodyguard. The group was formed in 2004. and deals with the rebuilding of armament, clothing and various aspects of the life of the Late Middle Ages (the time of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom and later, the Battle of Varna, 1444). Their activities include historical fencing, lectures, battles, camps, medieval performances and processions. The main goals of the association are to study, recreate and preserve the Bulgarian medieval history, life, culture and art and to popularize them with a wide audience both in the country and abroad. The most emblematic event for the association, however, is the King's Last Battle - an annual, massive rebuilding of the famous battle of King Vladislav III Yagelo against the Ottomans near Varna.
National Company "Tradition" - regional branch town of Veliko Tarnovo. The company is an organization with over 10 years of experience in the reconstruction movement. The group has a strong experience in recreating the Bulgarian Middle Ages - the revival and preservation of various authentic crafts such as leather processing, papermaking, carpentry and the production of household items, cops and shepherd carving, forging, milling and casting in open molds, medieval sweeping machines, crossbows, bows, arrows and more. The female section can demonstrate dyeing with natural dyes, looping and vertical looms, various types of embroidery and knitting of lace and garments. The group also presents some church rituals from the period, and the accompanying monastery writing books, school and painting school. Various games for children and adults from the Middle Ages have been recreated. Last but not least, the demonstration of medieval cuisine can show an up-and-coming medieval kitchen in which to prepare meals for demonstration or feeding the entire camp. Combat skills include archery and archery, and organized battles such as spearmen team and squad machine estimates.
Moduvs Vivendi is a cultural and historical society that deals with research, study and experimental reconstruction of different aspects of life and culture from the age of the mature Middle Ages (1000-1300) in the Bulgarian lands , Western and Northern Europe, and the Crusades in the Middle East and the Balkans. MODVS VIVENDI's research includes historical, archeological and cultural studies and research in the field of Bulgarian and European media studies, translation and popularization of medieval historical sources. Experimental activity of MODVS VIVENDI includes annually conducted medieval camps, historical fencing, archery, cooking, music, costume, armaments, household items and various other thematic workshops and practical projects.
Association "Sitalk-Historical Reconstructions" - Plovdiv.  The Association is dedicated to popularizing and acquainting with the history of the Bulgarian lands and the region, from the Thracians through the Gothic to the Middle Ages. Driven by the interest in history through re-creation and demonstration of ancient customs, religious rituals, cuisine, martial demonstrations, or just moments of the lives of our ancestors, they carry a piece of the past into our time. Their motto is the Latin saying "Historiq magistra vitae est" or "History is a teacher of life".
Association DUKS Antique - Svishtov - The Association was founded in 2016. Its ambitions are to present a full-fledged picture of a border military unit from the northern border of the Eastern Roman Empire. In these lands, the Romanized Gothic Feders who adopted Christianity in the fourth century established themselves as the core of the Constantinople Army during the early and the real Middle Ages. Coming from the north, along with their everyday life and culture, they bring bright shades in the palette of the imperial peoples. Besides warfare, the Svishtov association presents the bits, crafts, clothing and rituals of the northern provinces during the period. In its current first season, Dusk Antika recorded successful participations in historical restorations in Medjugorje - Romania, Svishtov, Yambol, Nicopolis ad Istrum, Ceramic Center Pavlikeni and Aheloy, and in cooperation with the local municipality and museum organizes the Festival of Historic Heritage in the Hothalic Archaeological Reserve , Sevlievo.
Cohors II Lucensium is a group of antique restorations. It is led by archaeologists from the regional historical museum in Yambol. The group recreates different moments from the military and civilian life of the Roman soldiers and the local Thracian population from Kabyle in II - III c. The Cohors II Lucensium itself is an auxiliary part of the Roman army. It is the equiva (mixed). It consists of 480 soldiers and 120 horsemen. It was created in the first half of the 1st century. The soldiers in the cohort were recruited by the tribal tribes of the Western Iberian peninsula. The cohorts are held in Kabile from 136 to 193.
Krum Yapulov - Sofia - the ancient traditions of the military horse riding. Jiggling has emerged as an art of riding in different peoples since ancient times. When there was still no clear definition under jiggling in the broad sense of the word, they meant galloping, during which the rider showed his dexterity, courage and high skill in horse possession. The main crushing force in the Bulgarian army was the cavalry. In fact, until the formation of Danube Bulgaria, and then the Bulgarians fought exclusively on horses. Each warrior went to war with at least two horses - one for riding and one for reserve. The wars could do almost everything on the horses, even eat and sleep on them. The Bulgarian wars also trained to ride on the side of the horse or under his belly, thus hiding from the enemy's arrows and spears. They could imitate that they were hit by an arrow or other weapon and hang like a slap on the side of the horse, and then, misleading their pursuers, suddenly stood up and used their weapon by striking their enemy with surprise. Krum Yapulov keeps and maintains the historical horse traditions and demonstrates the transformation of man and horse into a whole.
Kalina Atanasova - reconstructor and designer of historical costumes from Varna, implemented the initiative "Calendar of Historical Reconstructions in Bulgaria" and the project "The Bulgarian Medieval Costume" and also the author of the book "Renovations of the Medieval Bulgarian Apparel (XIII - XIVth .) "..
Nadezhda Nikolova - Shumen - reconstruction of clothing and accessories
Penko Tsankov and Dimitar Tsankov - Varna - Reconstruction and elaboration of medieval armament.
Emil Marinov - Shumen - master hammersmith
Ivan Rendakov - Plovdiv - mastermind, but in the heart - a dreamer from the Middle Ages. She says for herself that she is awake, who can not stand still, put into the life bag. Master craftsmen - from fine metal armchairs and heavy helmets to jewels of glass. In his spare time he works as a free reconstructor. Exquisitely crafted master of medieval jewelry, appliqués and belt trimmings, beads and medallions, armor, helmets, boots and an uncountable list of all medieval accessories made of metal, bronze, silver, glass and leather.
Lubomir Milinov - Sofia - a trader of various kinds of wine from honey, such as Old Slavic honey wine, Tarnovo honey wine, Honey wine Dvoynak, Honey wine Poltorak and others. He took part in many medieval events.
Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances “Sliven” - was established in 1959 in the town of Sliven for searching and creative recreation of the Bulgarian folklore, for making the stage and on the air the beauty of the authentic folklore models, as well as for the creation of folklore works with the participation of contemporary composers, choreographers, musicians , artists, poets. In 1977 he received the status of a Professional Ensemble. His repertoire contains many songs and dances from the enormous folklore heritage of the Sliven region, as well as music and dance compositions from all regions of the country. For the first time in the Medieval Assembly "Remember the Glory" took part the orchestra at the Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances - Sliven, who performed specific arrangements for the period.
The format is one of the main activities of the fortress, through which the destination is popularized and gaining increasing popularity over the years. The Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory" received a nomination for 2016. in the Read and Travel magazine for events in the Cultural Tourism sector.
The third Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory - Tuida 2017" started the festive program for the celebration of Sliven – the day of St. Dimitar. The event was included in the information tour for the tourism industry, organized by the Municipality of Sliven. Tour operators, travel agencies, travel bloggers, and journalists have become acquainted with the potential and potential of the Medieval Fortress of Tuida.
On the occasion of the third Medieval Fair “Remember the Glory” - Tuida 2017 in Sliven, the ILoveBulgaria mobile platform promotes a lottary game. When scanning the code from the plate placed in the mobile application, no 2 and 10 points were generated in the two festival days - Saturdays and Sundays. Scanning is automatically included in the prize draw - 1 hour archery. The winner will be announced on October 26 - The Holiday of Sliven.
In 2016. Late Antiquity and Medieval fortress "Tuida" won the prize "Tourist Attraction / Object of the Year" in the First Annual Awards of the Ministry of Tourism and took the Golden Rose to Sliven for 2017. The fortress is growing in visits by foreign tourists and Bulgarian tourists from increasingly distant destinations. In addition to the Medieval Fair "Remember the Glory", a series of events are being organized and held this year - a Magical Performance Show on the occasion of the International Museum Day; participation in Carnival "Machine of Time" dedicated to European Museum Night; First June Children's Day - "The Games of the Past" ; Youth Summer Camp "Tuida -2017" to prevent drug use and assimilation of healthy behavioral patterns; Acrobatic show of the children from the Sport Club of Acrobatics "Stefan Danchev - Sliven"; Scientific Cafe FRESH: Archeology - a word about the past or the excitement of being the discoverer of the European Night of Scientists; Highlighting the International Tourism Day; Participation in European Heritage Days, etc.
The developments around Tuida Fortress don’t stop it. For the first time the object presented its museum animations at the International Exhibition "Cultural Tourism - Veliko Tarnovo". In 2017 the archeological research of the fortress resumed, which immediately gaven the results. Late-Ancient and Medieval fortress Tuida is part of the cultural-cognitive route "The Whisper of History" by which the Municipality of Sliven has applied for the selection of new EDEN destinations, organized within the framework of the project "CULTURAL TOURIST DESTINATIONS IN BULGARIA" GRO / SME / 16 / C / 071-TOURISM.
For the upcoming season 2018. Tuida Fortress will offer new programs and initiatives to its visitors.




Tuida fortress for the first year took part in the events organized for the European Night of Scientists - 2017,with the "Science Cafe FRESH: Archeology - speech about the past or the excitement of being a discoverer". The event took place jointly with the Regional Museum of History - Sliven and Tourist Information Center of Sliven Municipality.
They say science is a systematized, credible knowledge that can be convincingly explained by logic.Modern philosophy defines science as knowledge that is experimentally verifiable on the basis of the scientific method.
On September 29, at the Night of Scientists, we experimented, explained, conquered, and proved that science could be interesting, fascinating, infinite, science infects, unites and creates unforgettable experiences.
Hundreds of visitors took part in the initiative held in the Tuida Fortress.Families with their children, teachers with their students, tour operators with their tourists and many young people made the first Night of the scientists in the fortress a memorable event, and despite the unfavorable weather conditions, they visited all open-air activities.
The "FRESH" project - (Find Researchers Everywhere and SHARE-FRESH)for the European Night of Scientists is funded by the European Commission on the Marie Skladovska-Curie Actions of the Program Horizon 2020.The aim of the project is to create a series of participations and media events to promote scientific careers aimed in particular at young people and their parents.Main night activities include presentations for engaging the public across the country with science, quizzes, science cafes, experiments, science shows, simulations, games and competitions. Thematic programs include food and nutrition, engineering, oceanology, innovation and business incubators, technology transfer, medicine, and more.
During the FRESH Scientific Cafe in Tuida Fortress, archaeologists from the Regional Museum of History - Sliven showed what it is like to be an archaeologist, how archeologists work, what tools and materials they use, how to restore excavated artifacts, how to restore and preserve them, , joyful moments and the magic of the profession.In front of the inquisitive audience, they also mentioned interesting moments from the fortress's discovery years ago, what valuable historical finds were discovered, and future research plans.
Guides and animators of Tweed had prepared a historic walk in the past of the fortress - from the Thracians to the Middle Ages. To fully experience historical moments, using the tools of experimental archeology, the team has enabled visitors to touch the rebuilding of our ancestors' weapons, clothing, and elements.
At the end of the event, guests completed surveys to evaluate the impact of the European Night of Scientists. The poll is a development of Forum Democritus, which is a partner of the FRESH Project.
And as we started and ended, science united us and proved that by working together we can turn Sliven into a beautiful European city with many opportunities for our children!

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